As promised Mayor-Elect Flanagan has written a new ordinance that will regulate Adult Entertainment in the City of Fall River. This new ordinance is designed to keep someone from opening a Strip Club within the boundaries of the City. It will create an environment that will make it difficult for a business to earn a profit. Mayor-Elect Flanagan is using the By Laws adopted by the Town of Mendon as a model for these new ordinances. Below is the opening statement of the Mendon By Law regarding Adult Entertainment Establishments and Liquor Licenses;
The following provisions apply to all Adult Entertainment or Use establishments consisting of an “adult bookstore”, “adult motion picture theater”, adult paraphernalia store”, “adult video store”, and an “establishment which displays live nudity for its patrons” as defined by M.G.L. Ch. 40a, Section 9A located within the layout lines of the Adult Entertainment Overlay District created by the voters of the Town of Mendon on May 2nd, 2008 as forth in the Mendon Zoning Bylaws:
The issue that I have with using the above By Law as a model is that Mendon has established an Adult Entertainment Overlay District. The above By Law placing regulations on Strip Clubs only applies to businesses placed in the Adult Zone.
If the above Mendon By Law is going to be the model for our new ordinance, should Fall River also establish an Adult Zone? And if the City does not establish an Adult Zone will these regulations be upheld in Court? I guess we will only learn the answers to these questions once someone sues the City. I would hate to see the City spend more money to fight this issue.
Also how will this new ordinance affect the current proposal by Mr. Gary Lund? I personally believe that if the new ordinance is adopted, Mr. Gary Lund will sue the City and will win. Mr. Gary Lund has stated that litigation will be used only has a last resort. He has proven to be very cooperative with the current administration with his proposal to open a Strip Club. When the Niagara Neighborhood Association protested against his proposal to build a Strip Club on Rodman St, he worked with the Planning Director to find a more suitable location. His new location near the Brittan Park and the Police station satisfies the current regulations by the City.
I understand that Mayor Elect Flanagan has stated that he will represent the City personally in Court and will fight this issue. He believes that the City will win this fight, but what if the City looses? Is he ready to forgo his salary to pay for this fight? Only time will tell.
10 years ago
I can't believe that our new mayor thinks that this is the most important thing in the city. how about him working on creating jobs for the unemployed in the city. this guy is going to be as bad as correia
A strip club would BRING jobs to the city.
Hello just found this new blog!! good luck with it. So far some great articles. I look forward to reading all of them!
great job exposing the issues already in the newspaper,
To Anon 9:38 Actually the Herald News has not once mentioned that Mendon has an Adult Overlay District.
So if we create an adult zone will regulations be upheld in Court? If thats the case lets create a adult zone and regulate the hell out of them
Are you on vacation - no activity on this blog for 2 weeks?
some vacation.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
No I am not on vacation... I have been serving on one of the transition teams for Mayor Flanagan and I felt that I needed to give my full time to that task. A new post will be posted soon, so feel free to come back and read it...
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