Thursday, June 24, 2010

I couldn't believe my ears when I saw this interview yesterday. The tribe has already submitted an application to place the land in Fall River into trust.


Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that the land was not going to be placed in trust. This way if there are any issues they would have to follow our laws. Has this changed? Because if it has I will have to change my support for the casino.

Carl said...

The Secretary of the Interior is on record as saying that the Tribe's current application is "problematic" with 2 initial reservations being applied for, Mashpee & Middleborough. Now to add a 3rd piece of land is even more so. Their current application is stalled and not even being looked at by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. You will not see their application approved anytime soon, if ever. The Mashpee Tribe have no historical ties to Fall River nor Middleborough.

Anonymous said...

They can't place the land in trust, it's an empty threat and a dumb one to make. Guess they haven't hired a slick public relations firm or they would've been told not to make such dumb statements.

carverchick said...

Carl is right. The Tribe would need to submit another application to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to take land into trust in Fall River...and OH...the Secretary of Interior cannot give them land. IT would take an act of Congress and Congress can't take land from the State. Cedric is either is really really stupid or is lying. It is NOT grandfathered back and the supreme court ruling does apply to sorry Cedric...stop trying to scare people of this State - and yes you are threatening the people of this State. This man disgusts me.

carverchick said...

Dear Cedric,

I hate to break this news to you yet again but the Mashpee tribe and the Aquinna tribe do not automatically have the right to open a casino because your federally recognized tribes and you know that. You never would have gotten the land in Middleboro to build a casino and you know that you will not build a tribal casino in Fall River either going through the LIT process. See, many of us have actually done our homework and we know the process...we know you are lying and threatening our State legislators, senators, local officials and know darned well that the Supreme Court ruling does apply to you so stop going on news shows and lying. You know darned well that you cannot just send in an ammendment for a LIT application and add another parcel of land to be taken into trust so stop going on news shows and lying. You know darned well that your application is sitting in the BIA collecting dust and the only way you could ever possibly get land into trust is to go before the US Congress and ask for it so stop going on news shows and lying. You actually are using empty threats against the good people of this State for your own agenda and you should be ashamed of yourself. You may have left Middleboro but you haven't left our minds and we are watching and we will continue to put out the Truth for every lie you tell.



Anonymous said...

How is it that our city leaders are willing to do business with someone who keeps stating that the US laws don't apply to him? If the land is placed in trust the city will loose out.

Anonymous said...

I did'nt realise Cedric did comedy, let me watch that again. BTW -great line, "we've updated our application.." Ha.

Anonymous said...

'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Video of the RDA meeting from July 22, 2010.