Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Parking Meter Fiasco

There has been a lot of bickering because of the 150 parking meters that were approved to be installed around the courthouse on Rock Street. First of all, I have to say that it is a shame that the City Council voted unanimously to approve these new parking meters without reading the recommendation that came from the Traffic Board. That is one of my biggest pet peeves with the City Council. They are always waiving the reading of ordinances during the meeting so that they can go home early. From now on every ordinance should be read out loud by the City Clerk for the benefit of the City Council and the residents who are watching the meeting.

Also during an Ordinance Committee meeting, where this issue was also discussed, City Councilor Leo Pelletier stated that Parking Clerk Laura Ferreira should have told the City Council that they were voting on these new parking meters. I am sorry Councilor Pelletier, but it is not her job to babysit the City Council. It is the responsibility of the City Council to understand and know what they are voting on.

Now that I have said that, there is one thing about this debate that did make sense to me. Councilor Pereira said that she received calls from residents in the Rock St. / High St. neighborhood who were concerned that if parking meters were to be installed they would have issues parking on their streets where there are no parking meters. To me this is a valid point, and today I actually was able to witness this.

I drove by Rock Street this afternoon, and to my surprise there was only one car parked where the new parking meters were installed. Seeing all of this empty parking spaces made me think; Where are the people, who use the courthouse, parking?

As I drove around the courthouse I noticed that there were more cars than usual parked on the side streets, which dont have parking meters, around the courthouse. (see images below)

Maybe the point that Councilor Pereira was trying to make is actually a valid one. Only time will tell if people will use the new parking meters, or if they will park on the side streets that don’t have parking meters.


Anonymous said...

The people that live in that neighborhood should've been notified by the city of their plan to add meters to this area. This way issues could be resolved before the meters were approved. This is another blunder for the administration.

Anonymous said...

the mayor installed these metets so that he could increase revenues. there is nothing wrong with that.he should increase the fee per meter actually to make more money

Anonymous said...

I saw the ordinance meeting on my favorite channel, the government channel, and I heard Laura say that the city hired a meter maid at a cost of $40,000. Supposely these meters will generate $25,000 annually. It kind defeats the purpose if they hired someone at $40,000.

Anonymous said...

did the city do a study to find out if these meters were necessary? if these parking spots are empty all the time then the overtime that they paid the city employess was a waste

Anonymous said...

The same thing occurred to some extent on Pearl St. (near Factory of Terror). Before it was hard to find a spot at that location.

Since they installed meters, the street is usually empty.

People just find other places to park in the neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the city council needs to take a closer look at this.

Anonymous said...

This is not downtown. There should be no meters on this neighborhood

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